Dynamic biobanking for advancing breast cancer research

Institution: Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London
Corresponding Researcher: Claude Chelala
Email: c.chelala@qmul.ac.uk
Publication Link(s): https://doi.org/10.3390/jpm13020360
Data Link(s): https://bcntb.bcc.qmul.ac.uk/home
Keyword(s): translational research, precision medicine, electronic health records, genomics, health informatics, bioinformatics


Longitudinal patient biospecimens and data advance breast cancer research through enabling precision medicine approaches for identifying risk, early diagnosis, improved disease management and targeted therapy. Cancer biobanks must evolve to provide not only access to high-quality annotated biospecimens and rich associated data, but also the tools required to harness these data. We present the Breast Cancer Now Tissue Bank centre at the Barts Cancer Institute as an exemplar of a dynamic biobanking ecosystem that hosts and links longitudinal biospecimens and multimodal data including electronic health records, genomic and imaging data, offered alongside integrated data sharing and analytics tools. We demonstrate how such an ecosystem can inform precision medicine efforts in breast cancer research.